Both professional staff members involved with student media at Rice do not think just locally, they take their roles and involvement in student media to the national level.
Kelley is the “print” adviser and also is the current vice president of member services for the College Media Association and will be speaking to students and college media professionals on five topics at the ACP/CMA Fall National College Media Convention. She will speak to students in a session called “Journalists are Superheroes.” The presentation takes a look at the breaches in journalistic ethics routinely made by the likes of Superman and Spiderman, and outlines ways student journalists can avoid making the same mistakes.
Will is the “Electronic Media” staff member working directly with KTRU and RTV and the Executive Director of College Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI). In his position with CBI, Will took the lead in making the 2014 National Student Electronic Media Convention come into existence in 2012 and continues to be the person responsible for making the convention happen every year and it has grown every year since its inception. Will will be speaking to students and college media professionals on three topics at the National Student Electronic Media Convention. One of those presentations will include an overview of the settlement that CBI reached concerning the requirements and fees associated with student stations which play music on the Internet. Will was the lead negotiator for both this settlement which covers 2016-2020 and two previous settlements.
Coverage of the settlement has received trade industry coverage by RadioWorld, AllAccess, FMQB and RBR, among others.